Gospel of the day: Mark 6:7-13 (February 4, 2021)


Gospel of the day: Mark 6:7-13

February 4, 2021

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles

And he called his twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two, with authority to cast out evil spirits. He told them to take nothing with them except a walking stick-no food, no traveler's bag, no money. He told them to wear sandals but not to take even an extra coat. "When you enter each village, be a guest in only one home," he said.  "And if a village won't welcome you or listen to you, shake off its dust from your feet as you leave. It is a sign that you have abandoned that village to its fate." So the disciples went out, telling all they met to turn from their sins. And they cast out many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with olive oil.

The Gospel of the Lord.


Today, the gospel invites us to teach and preach because we are also a disciple. We are called to reach out the others and share love, care, and concern. Moreover, we should also be open in accepting and helping others even strangers. We should be hospitable in welcoming other people and let us be generous in serving them especially when they don't have anything they need. Lastly, when Jesus said to take nothing except a walking stick, it symbolizes that there are people who come to us with nothing at all. Don't focus on the materials things, but focus more on our mission, and that is to proclaim God. 

Let us ask ourselves: Are we ready to open our doors and accept those people and serve them?


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